Some of our work is delivered in schools and colleges where we provide and run various workshops and training programmes and one-to-one support. These enrichment sessions can form part of PHSCE lessons and the national curriculum or offer additional provision to schools and further education establishments on topics such as drugs, self esteem, personal health and wellbeing, and relationships to name a few. 

Group work can be an effective way to deliver informal education and issue based services. Our work ranges from stand-alone workshops with selected groups of pupils to programmes for entire year groups and support to activity days involving every student in a school or college. 

Other times individual students can become disengaged from mainstream education, our youth workers can offer outside intervention and student support. We can now offer accredited social, emotional and mental health provision offering resilience based informal education through Support Youth UK to small groups and 1:2:1 young people. to view our programmes and for more information click here.

Our work can help young people by boosting their academic attainment, improving their attitudes towards school, and improving their soft and social skills. For more information on our alternative curriculum programmes or if you would like to discuss our support to your school or setting, please contact us.