If you have as young person or dependent you feel would benefit from accessing one of our programmes, events or services or who is in need of support, advice or guidance on a 1:2:1 basis, you can seek a referral.
You can find out more about the programmes on offer on our website or can get in touch directly by phone or email. To access a Referral Form click the link below.
Please note that we do not fund any costs that the Local Authority has a Statutory Duty to provide. Please be advised as a independent charity we are unable to openly support all referrals without securing funding for
individual cases, if this is the case you will be informed. Referrals can be a good way to provide information about individual participants that supports our work with them.
Our process is designed to be transparent, consistent, fair and thorough. If you have any queries, please email info@inthemixproject.org.uk.